
Order Date Customer Total Payment status Fulfillment status Items Delivery method
#1950 Thu 26 Nov, 12:23pm Amanda Lee $398.00 Paid Fulfilled 3 items Free shipping
#1949 Thu 26 Nov, 11:54am Leonard Oii $496.00 Paid Fulfilled 1 item Local pickup
#1948 Thu 25 Nov, 11:54pm John Doe $195.00 Pending Unfulfilled 2 items Express
#1947 Thu 25 Nov, 11:53pm Terry Ng $195.00 Pending Unfulfilled 2 items Express
#1946 Thu 25 Nov, 11:52pm Terry Ng $195.00 Pending Unfulfilled 2 items Express
#1945 Thu 24 Nov, 2:43pm Lelouch Wong $900.00 Paid Ready for pickup 2 items Local pickup
#1944 Thu 23 Nov, 2:43pm Cynthia Ting $625.00 Paid Ready for delivery 1 item Local pickup
#1943 Thu 23 Nov, 11:59am Richard Leong $195.00 Partially refunded Partially fulfilled 2 items Express
#1942 Thu 22 Nov, 8:12am Clement Tang $195.00 Paid Fulfilled 1 item Express
#1941 Thu 22 Nov, 7:42am Richard Leong $195.00 Paid Fulfilled 1 item Express
Showing 1 to 10 of 57 entries
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